I need more time!

Never in my life have I had so little going on, and yet been so busy at the same time. During the week I go to work, go to the gym, come home, take a shower, cook, eat, and then go on the internet while watching tv. On the weekends I spend the morning and afternoon reading recipes and deciding which ones I want to make, and then spend the evening making said recipes as well as meringue cookies and ice cream. On the surface I’m not doing that much, yet for some reason I’m feeling like every second of every day is occupied.

A lot of it has to do this blog. It is so time consuming! When I used to blog, “back in the day,” I would write something, proofread and edit it, and upload it. Boom, done. But now, in addition to that, I’ve got to take pictures for my recipes and edit them in photoshop, search the web for photos that are relevant to my other posts, tag and categorize posts, and try to come up with witty titles. Then once I post something I have to figure out how to “promote” it, because let’s face it, the goal is readers. I need to Instagram this photo so I can upload it on Instagram. I should put this recipe on Tumblr and link it to my site. I can’t have ALL of these linked to my Twitter, because everyone will be getting the same tweet 4 times. Should I make a Facebook page? There’s a lot of thought going into this!

Now I’ve decided I want a new layout, and since I don’t like any of the free WordPress themes, I have to do something custom…which means learning CSS. I used to know HTML, so teaching myself CSS is not impossible. Nonetheless it has been time consuming. The problem is that I’ve been trying to fit it all in during the workday, because my computer at home sucks, but work has been so busy lately that I haven’t had any down time. The little down time that I have had has been spent learning CSS, which has lead to a lack of posts, which makes me feel guilty and neglectful of this blog.

But it’s not like I have anything to write about. Seriously, I have nothing going on in my life other than cooking and recipes. I STILL haven’t heard from John. It’s been almost two weeks, so I don’t think I’m going to. I don’t even know what to say about it. My head says “FUCK HIM and his little boy bullshit, you can do better anyway.” But my heart still hurts from the rejection. I try not to think about him, but it’s hard, because we work together, so there’s a constant awareness that he is nearby. I could see him as I’m walking to the building, or when I’m riding in the elevator. Thank GOD we don’t sit on the same floor. I don’t know what I’d do if I had to see him every day. As it stands now, my next work interaction with him won’t be until the middle of June. I’m not sure how I’ll handle it the next time I see him. Dirty look? Ignore him? Smile and say hi and act like nothing happened?

At this point I’m leaning towards my bitch face possibly followed by an eye roll. Lol.

Oh, I DID go out last Friday to “celebrate” cinco de mayo. There’s this Mexican place near my job that makes insanely strong frozen margaritas. Every time we go there it’s a shit show, and Friday was no exception. I got ridiculously drunk. My friend ended up having to put me in a cab home, and I made the cabbie pull over on the way so I could puke. I was sick until around noon the next day. On the positive side, I lost 3 pounds!

I’m getting a haircut and blowout after work, so I’ll be going out again tonight so it doesn’t go to waste. I’m thinking positive thoughts, and I have a feeling it’s going to be a fun night. Fingers crossed!

About notchangingmyname

I'm a thirty-something, about-to-be-divorced, former blogger trying to navigate single life.
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9 Responses to I need more time!

  1. The Lady Boyle says:

    I feel the same way about my life. I constantly feel busy and running around, but in all honesty I’m not doing much except work, the gym, dinner and by that point it’s 10pm and I’m exhausted! Then when I want to fit something “extra” in I’m struggling to find when and where to do it. How can it be that we are not busy but are so busy at the same time?!

  2. Jeni Johnson says:

    I’ve read through some of your previous entries and am impressed by your honesty and willingness to share your life. You are a beautiful woman and I am looking forward in reading your dating journals!

  3. Tony Bird says:

    It really does get time consuming to write a blog these days. I had the same thing going, where I would just write, proofread and post. Now it takes forever to research everything, add/edit/caption photos, add links, set tags and categories . . . and then when you’re done writing, it’s like you said, you still have to get the word out to your audience.
    If you’re thinking about doing Facebook, I would recommend it. I get most of my readers from it. I have a fan page for my blog where I put a link to every blog post, and then I share it on my personal profile (which sadly has more than twice the reach of my blog’s page). The way to make it work for you is to find other people who have similar pages, leave witty or thoughtful comments on their posts from your fan page, and share their posts a lot. Chances are, they’ll check you out sooner or later, and if they like what they see, they’ll “like” your page and start sharing your stuff. I just had two different admins promote me the other day for my Geek Dating blog and I had a huge flood of fans, which will translate to more hits. The only down side is that they won’t be as likely to leave you blog comments, but they’re often very interactive in your FB comments.

    • Yes I saw your facebook page, and that’s what got me thinking about it. The problem is I’m not quite ready to go public to my family and certain friends, coworkers, exhusband and inlaws, etc. It’s frustrating to know that I have that untapped audience, but I’m leaving it alone, for now.

      I saw your page and was going to like it…but then I thought, what if my ex saw that I liked it, and then clicked on your page, and then your blog, and then saw my comments on your post, and then clicked on my avatar and found my blog. I know that’s a lot of “what ifs” and I must sound crazy…and really, so what if he sees it? I just don’t want him (and any other guy I’ve talked about) to get hurt by the dating stories.

      So I created another fb account strictly for the blog, which I’m going to use to set up a fb page for my blog, and “like” your blog, etc…

      • Tony Bird says:

        Funny thing about clicking links . . .
        I was trying to look up one of the friends on FB that I had written about in my Life in the Military series. I couldn’t find him, but I found a profile for a girl with his last name located in the same area he’d been stationed in last I talked to him. I pulled up the girl’s profile, thinking it could be his wife or some relative, but I couldn’t find anything linking her to him. However, there was a blog link, so I went to that. Then I found out that the girl was him.
        It turns out, he’d finished his enlistment, got out, and is working on getting gender reassignment. I’m debating on whether or not to contact him (her?) because I don’t know if she’s trying to put that part of her life behind her.
        Anyway, I guess the lesson here is that people who are stalking people follow links. 🙂

  4. silly_G says:

    I feel that way sometimes too… busy with nothing going on and about blogging! But seriously love your posts and food experiments. Have tried more than one of your recipes!

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